Thursday, January 22, 2015

Taken For Seeking Medical Care

Bad Parents Sought Medical Care
photo credit miracles for Justina/ FB
Okay,  here's a big story about a girl named Justina Pelletier.  I am going to try to water this big story down.  She was an active child and even a figure skater, but around the age of 16 she became sick with a flu and was taken to the hospital.  It was here she was diagnosed with a mitochondrial disease (genetically related that causes weakness in the muscles).  She was referred to ,by her physicians, to seek medical care at the local Children's Hospital (Boston's Childrens).   It was at this hospital where new doctors decided that Justina had a psychiatric disorder and her medical mystery was more or less, not real. 

The hospital decided to get social services involved, blaming the parents for being "too active" in pursuing healthcare matters for their child (aka overmedicalizing).  The family lost custody for almost 1 1/2 while the child became weaker in state care at a local mental hospital.  She is now w/c bound!  The parents wer now allowed only weekly visits and weekly phone calls.  

Even if the parents were over zealous... is that a bad thing?  Trying to find out why your child is sick? Mental health or not?   Isn't that what you are supposed to do?  Do you believe parents could be so overmedicalizing that it would cause their older child to become non ambulatory? 

I watched videos with interviews.  The girl appears to have some sort of neurological disorder.  Her speech seems dysarthric and she is in a wheelchair.   Let's say it was mental illness and her parents were to blame,  why didn't she heal or at least dramatically improve out of the parent's care?   So if it was mental illness and the parents were in denial,  was it really their fault she was weakening?  Serious questions to a very serious situation.  She is home now after 1 1/2, still disabled, but looking happy!

Smoking Pot is How Unsafe?!

Smoking Pot is How UNSAFE?!
photo source
Little Alexandria was removed from her home after her parents admitted to smoking marijuana in the home after the little girl went to sleep.  Yep, REMOVED!    Now she is dead and her state mommy and daddy will face no consequences.   She suffered a massive head injury in foster care.. the foster parents were arrested but what about child protective services (her temporary parents).  Didn't they fail to protect??

While in care with her parents she was never sick, never hospitalized and never had a serious injury.  Smoking pot is a crime, we all know that to be true.  But is it more dangerous to a child than drinking?  Is it more criminal than cheating on taxes, speeding, making an illegal U turn,  lying on a legal form.. etc?  Was it worth removing the child?    Worth the trauma of being removed from her parents? Worth her life?

My suggestion.  Have the social worker's own children removed!  She obviously didn't protect this child in her care.. she ignored the warning signs.. she was a poor judge of character and let the children live in unsafe condition....  What do you think?

Fame and money won't protect you!

Fame and Money Won't Protect you!
Yes, even Will Smith isn't immune to the wrath of CPS.  This time it's Los Angeles County and their daughter Willow Smith.  Apparently the photo above triggered a CPS investigation.  Willow was 13 at the time and was posing with her very close friend (not boyfriend or sexual partner).  It was meant to be artistic and fun.   An anonymous person called CPS regarding the picture and the picture ALONE prompted the investigation.  No one was naked, nothing was sexual and I'm just not getting it.  Yes, their was a topless boy on the bed.. but he had pants on, she was clothed.  Seriously,  I don't get it.  The case wasn't immediately close as I believe the worker came to the house at least twice..

What kid of mom tatoos?

Mom tattoos heart on daughter!
Yep, social services deployed over a small heart tattoo on a 12 year old girl.  Ann Yates, residing in North Carolina, tattooed her own daughter is also facing criminal charges for tattooing a minor.   Ok,  think about it...  a teenage child can get nose job, a newborn can have a cosmetic surgery known as a CIRCUMCISION, a school aged can have their ears pinned back..   I'm not a fan of tattoos,  but what's the logic here??? Criminal charged for breaking  law.. maybe!  But social services???

The Sun Tan Mom

CPS Deployed for allowing (or so they thought) a child in a sun tanning bed!
photo credit Julio Cortez/ AP
Do you remember the suntan lady?  (Patricia Krentcil) She made national headlines a few years back as she is addicted to tanning beds.  Well,  she was ARRESTED after police accused her of bringing her 5 year old daughter into a tanning salon.  But she didn't!  She reports that should would never bring her red haired, fair-skinned daughter to a sun tan bed.  CPS was deployed and a case was wrongly opened against this bronzed mom.  She was burned OUTSIDE while playing!  Shocking!  It happens!  Thank goodness the child wasn't removed from the home!

Bad Sunburn

Two year old toddler gets SUNBURN!
Here's a good one!  Daddy Jones takes his toddler out in the sun but failed to put on sunblock.  He has been arrested with criminal abuse charges.  His son has been removed from his care.. not sure the status of the case to date.  The toddler apparently had large blisters on his back and shoulders.   This happens sometimes..  for instance, you can burn on a cloudy down but not everyone knows this.  Also,  it's not easy to see a sunburn while it's happening..   Yeah, the dad messed up,  but criminal neglect?????

Under Investigation for Walking Home from School

Six and ten year old neglected for walking home and parents are being investigated by CPS.   The parents are advocates for "range free parenting" which means they allow their kids to play freely and don't believe in helicopter parenting.  They allow their children to venture freely but too far of course.  They want to give them the childhood they experienced and enjoyed.  A time where kids were free to play outside alone.  But walking home from school, the police picked up the children after someone reported them walking alone.

Their mom a climate scientist and their father a physicist, these parents aren't dummies and put a lot of thought into allowing their children walk home from school freely.  They also know child abduction is a rare event and car fatalities are a common event.  They feel walking home is safer and indeed it is.  Well, the lecture from the police wasn't enough.  Child protect services were summoned to investigate if the children were properly supervised.  In their state,  children younger than 8 must be supervised by at least a child older than 13 in dwellings, enclosures and vehicles.   The father initially refused to talk with CPS until his lawyer was present, but CPS threatened if they didn't comply they would remove the children.  He talked!

The CPS said they wanted to follow up with another "home visit".  The mother didn't want to cooperate with the 'home' visit as she felt violated as this was a community concern not related to the care in the home. Eventually they agreed to an office visit.  I'll have to follow up on this story,  but most likely it will be removed without removal??.. most likely, I'm not so sure anymore.

Don't Let them Play Outside

CPS for Playing Outside
photo credit Carrie Ann Roy

Here's an oldie but goodie.  Kari Anne Roy, a children's book author, had an unexpected visit from Child Protective Services for allowing her 6 year old son to play outside.. here's the kicker!.. UNSUPERVISED.  Yes,  he had been playing outside for 10 minutes when a neighbor returned her son saying she found him outside on the street playing alone.  He was about 150 yards from the house but the neighbor felt obligated to call the police.  The police were told that the mom had lost the boy and the neighbor had to return the boy.  The police left and all ended well.

UNTIL. the doorbell rang a week later.  It was CPS who decided to question their children about drugs, private parts and porn movies (a good introduction of the underworld to small children).   The CPS advised them not to allow their children to play outside alone.  Really?  

Bad Mom.. Home BIRTH!

Newborns and Sibling Taken After a Home Birth. Plus Eczema Not Treated Properly!
photo credit (not sure if this is actual child)
Erica gave birth two twins Morna and Daniel AT HOME of all places.  It was not an illegal act, even though it sounds crazy in a modern society, millions of children are born this way each year.  After the birth, the family summoned EMT services, yet refused to have their already born babies taken to the hospital for a check after birth.   This prompted a call to child protective services and now all 3 of their children have been removed from the home

This family did have it's issues.  The father was hospitalized due to bipolar symptoms (after going off meds) and had been arrested for anger management issues.  Apparentely not directed towards the children  and may have happened before they were born or while suffering mental health issues.,.who knows.   The parents also refused to treat eczema with steroid (oh boy!!!) and instead used home remedies.   Seriously, eczema!  Steroids are horrible for the body and skin!  Eczema is a just a skin condition!   

Newborn Taken as Parents Seek a 2nd Medical Opinion

Newborn Taken When Parents Seek 2nd Medical Opinion
photo from the healthhomeeconomics
Sacrmento, CA (2013), Sammy was taken from his parents Alex and Anna.  Baby Sammy, was admitted to hospital #1 for flu symptoms and was discovered to have a heart condition.  The child may need a heart surgery.  The family wasn't happy with the care in hospital #1 due to a medical error and took their baby DIRECTLY to hospital #2 without the discharge approval of hospital #1.  Upon arrival to hospital to the second hospital they were greeted by police.  Hospital #2 and police determined the child was in no serious or immediate medical danger and discharged the baby home. 
The next morning, the police showed up at the baby's home and took custody.  After a court battle, the Sammy was returned to his parents.   But oddly enough,  the court decided they must use a 3rd hospital for follow up care and a possible heart surgery.  AND, even though the parents did nothing wrong,  the case is continued to be followed by CPS (child protective services). 

7 children over nutrititional supplement

SEVEN Children Taken From 'Prepping' Parents
photo credit Hal Stanely
My first story :).  I'll keep it simple.  Daddy, Hal Stanely, drops MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) into kids water as nutritional supplement and has kids taken away by Child Protective Services in Arkansas (Jan 2015).   Apparently, this supplement can cause uncomfortable to life threatening side effects (who knows).  His kids are healthy and have been taking it daily over a year.  The FDA was 'advised' that consumers should stop taking the supplement.  This is a homeschooling family who obviously cares for their children and is using the drops (misguided or not) to help protect their children from illness.  Hard to imagine the emotional damage to the children and the financial cost to the state of Arkansas for this nonsense.